A Little Motivation…

Do y’all ever feel overwhelmed by your to-do list? I do… All. The. Time. Whether it’s writing a blog post, getting your car into the shop or just cleaning your house, sometimes the tasks can simply build up. For me, I sometimes get so overwhelmed thinking about all I have to do that I don’t even know where to start! Here are some of my tips for prioritizing and motivating myself to tackle everything I have to do.
1. Make a list & prioritize.
The first thing I do when I’m stressed out is make a list of all the things I have to do! I keep a notepad specifically for my to-do’s with the date at the top of each page. That way I can look at the previous day’s list – tasks that didn’t get done the day before will roll over onto the next day. Then I go through my list and prioritize tasks in order of importance. Sometimes I’ll number them, and other times I’ll just make a mental note of what needs to get done first.
2. Put it on your calendar.
My agenda is vital to my life! In the past, I have forgotten about deadlines or meetings because I failed to mark it down in my agenda. Do you have a coffee date next Tuesday? A wedding next fall? Put it all down in your calendar! I have this Kate Spade agenda, which lets me break down my schedule week-by-week and day-by-day (I also like it because it’s just so darn cute!). Everyone also needs a huge wall calendar like this one to see the entire month at a glance. I have a huge calendar like this for my blog that is SO helpful – I like to plan out blog posts weeks in advance!

3. Take a break.
I believe that taking breaks is essential to being productive. If you work really hard on something for an hour, let yourself have 15 minutes to give your mind a break. (For instance, read your favorite blog, check Instagram or go make a mug of hot chocolate in a cute cup!) You have to find what works for you, but taking breaks will keep you refreshed and ready to tackle all your projects.

4. Print out an inspirational quote.
Sometimes just printing out an inspirational quote and putting it up on my bulletin board where I can see it is enough to give me some serious motivation. For example, I love this quote and this one.

5. Get up early & get enough sleep.
This may seem like a weird one, but I have found that I am way more productive if I wake up early to get a head start on all that I need to do. It’s the BEST feeling to have a bunch of items checked off on your to-do list by noon! Another big one is getting enough sleep at night. If you are tired all day, it makes it hard to get motivated and difficult to get things done. I aim to be in bed by 10:30 p.m. every night and I’m not even ashamed!
What are your tips for getting motivated?


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  1. These are great tips! I am a big list person!


  2. I am getting a new planner soon – that always motivates me!


  3. great tips. I have my calendar at my desk. Where I keep all the upcoming birthday and blog post I have done.

  4. #5 is key for me. I normally am asleep around 11 pm, but any later and I'm just not on my A game the next day. Drinking coffee out of a cute mug like that sure doesn't hurt either!

  5. Great tips! I agree with all of these!

    Prep on a Budget

  6. Getting enough sleep and taking breaks are so important. If you burn out, you will be even less productive! Great tips!

    Ashley | History in High Heels

  7. I have to always have lists and my agenda! Can't get enough. The mug you featured is adorable! Thank you!

  8. I think number 5 is super important!

  9. These are great tips Caitlin! I came into 2014 so ready to get organized but for some reason I'm experiencing a little burnout already. That cute "Work It" print is just what I need to get going!

    Chelsea & The City

  10. This is a great post! I am ALL about lists! They keep all the different hats I wear at work in order and my social life straight!

  11. Great Tips! Number 3 is my favorite; giving myself small rewards, like a 15 minute social media break, really helps me stay motivated to finish strong.

  12. love that the new year brings organization and cute goodies like this! HeartofChic.com

  13. This is great! I'm having a hard time getting back into school mode this semester and these are some great tips!


  14. These are such great tips Cait! I would absolutely be lost without lists & my Lilly agenda! The inspiration quote is another great idea for keeping myself motivated 🙂


  15. Random question…how do you make these photo collages for your blog posts?

  16. Such a lovely ideas and inspiration!



  17. Quiet time is a hot commodity in my life. Great ideas and lovely ways to become more organized.

    Barbara @ http://www.allmylivesnow.com

  18. such cute organizational pieces! I have a great day to day calendar- but really need a bigger picture monthly or even yearly to keep things top of mind!

  19. That wall calendar is 100% on my list when I move this spring. Perfect for posting weekly meals in the kitchen!

  20. Great tips! I can't live without my planner or tea breaks, and I completely agree about getting up earlier!

  21. I am always on the hunt for a perfect to-do list organizer -thanks so much for all of these options!! I personally have to step away from my desk for at least 5 minutes every hour – just so I regain some sense of moment and don't just bury myself in work!

  22. What a great post for a Tuesday! I'm an organization queen but sometimes I push motivation to the side- that's for reminding me to keep myself motivated! 🙂

  23. I think I too need to start the early night habit!

  24. Love your tips! Definitely what I needed right now. Thank you!

    Constance || Prep Northwest
