What’s on our Baby Registry

I’ve gotten a lot of requests for a post on our baby registry! I felt really pressed for time the past couple of months, so I honestly relied a lot on the website Gentle Nursery for reviews and recommendations for products that are nontoxic. I would have loved to put a billion hours of research into finding nontoxic items for our registry, but Yasmine, the blogger behind the website, basically already did that! And she has two boys of her own, so I trust her reviews. She honestly made it so easy to look at each category and decide what we wanted to add to our own registry. Our friends with children were also a huge help – especially my friend Sara that put together a “must have” list for us of all the items she used (and didn’t use) for her six month old. This isn’t *everything* our list, but is a really good start!

Stokke Tripp Trapp high chair

Since we heard meal time can get pretty messy and that babies’ food makes contact with the surface of the high-chair, we wanted to add a nontoxic high chair on our baby registry! (Yes, we know that the baby won’t need this until a while, but we wanted to be prepared, haha.) The Stokke Tripp Trapp high chair is made from solid beechwood and water-based paint, and is manufactured in Europe and free of BPA and phthalates. After reading a bunch of reviews, it seems like a great choice – I also really love that this product can transition through childhood and beyond, and won’t be obsolete in 6 months or less!

Philips Avent glass baby bottles

You already knooooow how I feel about plastic in the kitchen! We ditched pretty much every single plastic item in our kitchen before we even got pregnant… so searching for glass baby bottles just made sense to us. Philips Avent bottles come with a breast-shaped nipple that is also designed to prevent babies from swallowing air to reduce colic and gas. We also want to get a silicone sleeve to make it a little easier to hold. (P.S. I plan to breastfeed, but we will still need bottles occasionally!)

Silicone bibs

We added these BPA-free silicone bibs to our registry for mealtime. They’re easy to clean, come in a bunch of pretty colors and have amazing reviews on Amazon.

Wabi Baby Steam sterilizer

We added this on to our registry after one of my best friends told me it was “essential!” Apparently you can spend a lot of time cleaning and sterilizing bottles by hand, but having a steam sterilizer really makes a huge difference. We liked the Wabi Baby one because it has a pretty big basket inside and you can comfortably fit a lot of items inside (like bottles and pumping parts). Plus it dries everything for you, so you don’t have to leave items out on a drying rack on your counter.

Babybjorn baby bouncer in pink

We have a few friends that swear by this BABYBJORN baby bouncer! My friend owns some fancy bouncers, but her baby still prefers this BABYBJORN one. With the BABYBJORN, your baby’s own movements keep them happily bouncing (so you don’t really have to push the seat to bounce your baby, unless you want to). It has four different positions and can be used from birth to age two, making it very versatile. The fabric used is Oexo-Tek certified, meaning it’s free from harmful substances.

Marpac white noise machine

We wanted a white noise machine to play at night because it emulates the sounds of the womb and helps babies sleep (and can also mask background noises like the sound of washing dishes, etc!). The Marpac white machine is known for being the best white noise machine – it’s even the official sound machine of the National Sleep Foundation. What sets it apart from others is that it has an actual fan inside, making it a true white noise machine, as opposed to other devices that simply playing a recording of white noise.

pacifier and pacifier clip

We added this pacifier to the list because it’s made of 100% medical-grade silicone and free of phthalates. And it matches this cute pacifier clip! If you’re going to get the pacifier, just be sure to pay attention to the stages – Stage 1 is for babies without teeth and Stage 2 is for babies with teeth. (Also, we heard that we may have to test out a bunch of pacifiers because babies can be picky, haha! We also added this one.)

Sophie the Giraffe

You may have seen Sophie the Giraffe before… all of my friends’ babies have one, and the toy has more than 8,000 five-star reviews on Amazon!!! It’s made from natural rubber and is completely safe for babies. Harvested from the hevea tree, natural rubber is a great choice for teething toys because of its flexible and chewy texture and natural antibacterial properties.

Earth Mama Diaper Balm

This diaper balm is an herbal salve that reduces diaper rash and redness. It’s 100% organic and contains no artificial dyes or fragrances, petroleum products, mineral oil, Vitamin E, phthalates, or parabens. It’s packed with healing and soothing ingredients like calendula and lavender, and can even be used on eczema, bug bites and scrapes.

Andy Pandy Bamboo Diapers

One thing I did do my own research on was diapers! Conventional disposable diapers aren’t a good option for babies. A 1999 study published in the Archives of Environmental Health found that mice exposed to VOC chemicals emitted by conventional diapers had asthma-like reactions. Other chemicals commonly found in conventional diapers include chlorine, tributyltin, fragrances, dyes and plastic. There is something that makes me really nervous about having all those chemicals close to a baby’s genitals for 24 hours a day! We decided to add Andy Pandy Bamboo Diapers to our registry and fingers crossed that they’re a good fit for our baby. Andy Pandy diapers are chlorine-free, biodegradable and eco-friendly. They contain no phthalates, BPA, PVC, alcohol, TBT or preservatives. They’re made with bamboo fibers and are naturally hypoallergenic and antibacterial (making them a great choice for babies with sensitive skin, too).

Water Wipes

There are a bunch of toxic chemicals that come in conventional baby wipes. Water Wipes are the best wipes I could find on the market because of their minimal ingredients – they even have EWG’s best rating of 1. The one downside is that because they don’t contain any preservatives, you have to use them quickly (within a month or so).

Wooden Play Gym

We knew we wanted a wooden play gym for the baby, and this one is absolutely darling! It’s made of unfinished beech and free of chemicals, and encourages early motor skills while giving babies something to look at, hold and manipulate. I also like how this one had a lot of neutral and natural colors, so it would coordinate with any nursery’s color scheme!

Halo Bassinet

We decided against the Snoo and added the Halo Bassinet to our registry, instead. There were a few reasons for this, that I don’t really feel like getting into, haha! I have a few friends that swear by the Halo. We will keep it right beside our bed for the first several months! Here are some of the things we really liked about the Halo: it has breathable mesh sides, is BPA-free, and has a base that can be tucked under your bed to allow mamas to easily get the baby without getting completely out of bed (this will help a lot during midnight feedings!). The downside is that the Halo bassinet does contain polyester and polyurethane foam, though they claim that there are no flame retardants used in any of their products. They do make an organic bassinet mattress, which we also added to our registry!

Ubi Steel Diaper Pail

My friend said the Ubi diaper pail was a MUST because it locks in all of the diaper odors. In addition to my friend raving about it, it also has amazing reviews on Amazon! We almost went with the light pink color, but decided on the grey instead so that we can hopefully use it for multiple babies.

Primo Bath Tub

I can’t wait for bath time with baby! This bath tub is free of BPA, lead and phthalates. It can be used from birth to 24 months and has two bathing positions designed to keep babies from slipping into the bath water. It’s pretty big, so I think we will have to put this into our actual bath tub to use it! It also looks like we will have to add some sort of towel or pad to make it softer for baby, since it looks like a hard material.

If there’s anything I missed or anything you SWORE by for your baby, please let us all know in the comments!!!

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  1. Thank you so much for sharing this! I’ve loved getting inspired by all of the baby related content from my fave influencers/creators recently! I’m definitely taking notes over here!


  2. Ashi

    Great list! Would definitely recommend a wipes warmer! Congratulations again! Xoxo

    • Jillian

      Water wipes are the BEST! Just note that you can’t use a wipe warmer with them because they don’t have preservatives so bacteria will grow! Enjoy the new bundle of joy!!!!

  3. Bethany

    Frida Baby Windi were the only thing that helped with the newborn grunts!! Also relied on gripe water for the hiccups, mamaroo, Snuggle Me Organic, VAVA egg light at night (they have the cute colors now 😍), and the electric nail file. I got the 4MOMS pack n play but wish I had gotten the Nuna Sena Aire for the bassinet that’s usable for way longer.

    • Elaine

      I second the electric nail file!

      • Aubrey

        I third the electric nail file! Can one “third” something?? The safety baby nail clippers I got are useless to me, but the e-file is SO helpful! Baby actually enjoys watching the process as if he’s getting a manicure lol

    • Katy

      I also totally agree on the electric nail file. Baby nails are so sharp, and the electric file was the only way we could effectively trim my kids’ nails.

      I’d also recommend starting to “brush” their gums when they are first born, so they are used to it when they start getting teeth that you actually need to brush. Learned this one the hard way with my son haha.

      For regular diaper changes (read: no rash), we just use organic coconut oil for my kids’ bottoms. We learned that tip from our pediatrician and I think it has helped us prevent a lot of rashes.

      I used the Avent bottles for two babies, and they worked great – easy to clean and my kids both liked them. The Water Wipes are great, too.

      Good luck! You’re about to begin a huge new adventure.

  4. Ashton

    Just a few things that have been helpful for us recently (our baby is 2 months old now):
    Sleep sacks: so much easier than swaddling, and super easy to change diapers at night
    Burp cloths: we have one in every room of the house, and even more for when others get soiled.
    Breast pads: I leak a lot in between and during breastfeeding, so breast pads help soak up the extra milk so I don’t feel sticky and have to change bras all day.
    Stuff for after birth for you: I did such a good job preparing for baby, but didn’t spend enough time on what I needed for after baby was born. Birthing a baby is a lot on the body and we need a lot of stuff for post recovery!
    A ton of everything: just a general recommendation to have lots of multiples like multiple sheets, changing pads, blankets/swaddles, outfits, etc. Everything gets wet and gross throughout the day and it’s nice to be able to grab clean stuff as you go.

    Hope that helps!

    • Kerry

      Agreed! Definitely make sure you’re taken care of as well! I made sure my little one had everything he needed once he came into the world and I also did research about what I would need to take care of my body postpartum. Our bodies go through a lot during pregnancy, the birth, and afterwards, so it’s definitely important to take care of ourselves so we can take care of baby!

      One thing that my little guy loved when he was born was, a swaddle. He slept so much better once he was all wrapped up and cozy. Though, not every baby likes to be swaddled, so I’ve heard, but most like it since it mimics being inside the womb.

    • Katie

      What play mat did you select? I’m trying to find a non-toxic AFFORDABLE one, but haven’t had any luck yet.

  5. Elaine

    Philips avent soothie pacifiers! They mimic the nipple the best for breastfed babies so they won’t bite later on! Plus they’re on piece so it’s not a choking hazard like some.

    Black and white books to help their eye development.

    Sleep sacks with Velcro! And lots and lots of swaddles!

  6. Adriana

    I don’t know if you can put this on a registry, but a visit from a IBCLC consultant would be so helpful in the first days after baby is born, I wish I had one the second day.
    Even if you’ve read everything about breastfeeding, positions, etc, doing it with a first baby can be challenging and at the very least a consultant can reassure you you’re doing fine and give you advice on how to avoid the most common complications.
    Doctors and nurses are not so good at helping with breastfeeding even if they have the best intentions, it is not in their job description :).

  7. Congrats on your little one!


  8. Amanda

    We love the philips avent glass bottles. I also used my Spectra (blue) pump a ton. Summer Infant swaddle me swaddles were great for early months. Add a WubbaNub pacifier to your list!

  9. Verena

    The Stokke Tripp Trapp has also a new born set so you can use it from the beginning😊

  10. Kelly Nicole

    Mom of 4 here – I recommend avoiding the noise machine or using sparingly! We didn’t use one with my 1st and he could and can sleep through anything. We would have friends over and never worry about how loud we were, did dishes, vacuumed, never concerned about waking him. I still go put laundry away in his room when he’s sleeping and he doesn’t even flinch. My next 2 were/are the same. Then I used that exact noise machine while my 4th was in our room because babies make a lot of noises and it’s hard not to check on them for each one. So he got used to it and is now such a light sleeper. He can’t sleep without it. Not a huge deal since it’s somewhat portable (although just another thing to add when packing) but I wish I had never started the habit.
    100% yes on glass bottles. They also clean much easier since breast milk can be greasy. But, you’ll need an alternative when baby is old enough to hold it. I did have one break even with a silicone sleeve on it.
    Also, be careful with Sophie. My 2nd had one and I read about it getting moldy from their slobber. Cut it open and sure enough, filled with mold. They may have changed them now, I refused to ever buy another. As long as there is no hole it should be fine, but then it wouldn’t squeak…so it’s probably still there.
    I highly suggest you be prepared with some type of nipple cream!!

  11. Jan

    Hi! I saw the study you posted about diapers is over 20 years old, but I’m very curious about this. Do you have any research that’s more recent? I know a lot of things have come along way in 20 years so I’m curious if there’s any Materials that used to be used in diapers that maybe aren’t anymore.

  12. Deanna Debrecht

    Your list looks great! One thing that we swore by in the winter were flannel crib sheets – being put down on cold sheets woke our babies up every time, but the flannel sheets were much cozier. And don’t forget books – our kids loved anything by Sandra Boynton 🙂

  13. How amazing that there are so many toxic-free baby essentials out there!
    Wishing you all the best for your pregnancy 🙂
    xx Janine

  14. Love the pastel colors.

  15. Regina


    First off, congratulations!! I have been enjoying reading about all the non toxic baby and pregnancy friendly items! It has been super helpful!

    Just out of curiosity, have you looked into the honest baby wipes? What are your thoughts about their ingredients?


  16. Laura Leigh

    this is amazing! I love the research you did and all the clean products you are using. will 100% be referring back to this post in the future when we have a little one on the way!

    xo Laura Leigh

  17. K

    A breastfeeding pillow and bring it to the hospital with you!

  18. My baby girl LOVED her Sophie… so much, in fact, that she still carries it around to this day and she’s six! Haha. Sophie will be a good investment for sure!

  19. Aubrey

    Our nugget is just over 5 months old now and the things we’ve used most frequently were/are:
    • Bumbo floor seat (we use this now as a makeshift highchair until babe’s a bit older)
    • Nuna MIXX stroller and Nuna PIPA lite infant car seat (SUCH a blessing for my petite frame!)
    • Brica Out-N-About trunk organizer and change station (eliminates needing diaper bag when you’re just going out and about in the car for errands)
    • Baby Bjorn carrier one mesh baby carrier (my hubby LOVES this, haha)
    • Solly Baby soft wraps (I used this a ton when baby was a newborn – 3 months)
    • Burt’s Bees baby unisex baby booties and Under the Nile Unisex baby booties size 0-3 months (baby socks obnoxiously fall off – these stay on!)
    • ZippyJamz organic baby footed sleeper pajamas with inseam zipper (the crotch zipper is a game changer for middle of the night diaper changes so baby doesn’t have to be fully undressed)
    • Green Sprouts organic muslin burp cloths (get like 4 packs of 3, no joke! The white color makes laundry day, aka: every day, haha, easier)
    • Philips Avent drying rack SCF149/00 (doesn’t encourage bacteria and mold growth like the traditional green grass drying racks)
    • Dapple baby bottle and dish soap

    Whew! This concludes my dissertation and this wasn’t even our entire registry lol. Hope this helps you, Caitlin or anyone else reading comments. Btw, our baby likes the Avent glass bottles (doesn’t even care if there’s a silicone cover or not), but hated the Avent nipples starting around 3 months when he wised up to the difference between boobies and bottles, haha. We learned you can switch them out for Lansinoh, MAM, or Dr. Browns Wide Neck Nipples; our wee one preferred the MAM nipples, likely because they mimic how the nipple naturally compresses and milk is drawn out while breastfeeding.

    • Ashton

      My little one also loves the MAM nipples! We had to try a few different kinds to figure that out so I recommend getting a variety of nipples/bottles to see what baby responds best to.

  20. Shana

    I would say a boppy or something to help elevate the baby while you are breastfeeding, a baby breeza if breast feeding doesn’t go as planned, skip the wipe warmer which someone already mentioned you can’t use with water wipes but you don’t want them to get used to warm wipes or I agree the noise machine – yep I’m that mom and she’s 4 and sleeps just fine 🙂 Also for the breast pump get the pumping pals shields that tilt downward – saved my back, ugh the back pain LOL!

    Also, yes you need to take care of you, super important especially on the breast feeding and recovery front! https://www.amazon.com/Earth-Mama-Postpartum-Recovery-Essentials/dp/B00KPETWUK Earth Mama Angel Baby is my recommendation and the kit is a great item to register for – my best friend got it for me and I used the bum spray for weeks and it saved me 🙂

  21. Happy Weekend! These baby’s products look so cute!
    Thanks for sharing 🌹

    Fashion┊Lifestyle┊Japan ― HappyEsme

    Miki’s Instagram

  22. Aubrey

    Also wanted to add that the Nested Bean sleep sacks and swaddles are amazing at helping baby sleep soundly via a gentle weight (like the pressure of a parent’s hand, nothing truly heavy!) on their chest. For you, Caitlin – definitely get the Frida upside down peri bottle, the Herbal Perineal Spray by Earth Mama, and a good nipple cream (you’ll need it the first month-ish). I tried the Earth Mama nipple cream but found it be initially grainy, which hurt rubbing it in. Sure, I could’ve warmed it between my fingers beforehand, but that took quite a while. I ended up preferring the sample tubes of Medela Tender Care Lanolin cream the hospital sent me home with – it’s so silky and truly soothing. Just be sure to either wear nursing pads in your bra to prevent the lanolin from staining your bras or just wear nursing bras that you don’t care staining. I personally bought the Lansinoh nursing pads but found the “seam” that was created from unfolding them irritated my nipples. Also, I only learned of them after I needed them, but a friend of mine swears by the SILVERETTE Silver Nursing Cups for Sore Nipples in 925 Silver. Pricey, yes, but the silver heals and prevents cuts, wounds, cracks, soreness, and infections!

  23. matchamac

    Great list! I recommend only buying a few of the Avent bottles to start with. The reason why there are so many bottle choices is because every baby prefers a different one! If your baby ends up rejecting the Avent, I highly recommend Comotomo bottles. Though they are made of plastic, they are SO easy to clean and I have yet to come across a mom friend whose baby rejected these.

    Best of luck and you’re looking great!!

  24. AnnMarie

    What crib mattress are you using!? I can’t remember

    • The Newton Baby crib mattress!

      • Maggie

        First time mom here as well and expecting only a couple weeks after you. We also got the newton mattress. What sheets are you using with your mattress?

        • When the baby is old enough to roll over onto her tummy, we won’t use any sheets! But for now I ordered some organic Pottery Barn ones to put on the mattress, since they’re pretty!

  25. Nichole B.

    Thank you so much for posting! I’m a first time mom so this list is super helpful. What stroller and car seat are you going with? I’m leaning towards the Nuna Pipa Lite car seat, but I have friends that recommend Uppababy stroller/Car seat system

  26. Laura

    As a mom a toddler (with a new baby in the way !) and an occupational therapist who works with kids your registry looks great. I would recommend the play gym and play kits from Lovery. The positioning of the items in the play gym from Lovery is more appropriate for visual development, promoting rolling, and helping baby to turn head different directions. I would also check out the website http://www.candokiddo.com/baby-gear. I am in no way affiliated with either company or website but Rachel’s ( another occupational therapist) website gives excellent advice and tips on how to position babies for play, make tummy time fun, and limit babies time in “gear”. Hope this is helpful !!

  27. Katie C

    Congratulations!! I am expecting as well. And I have been researching strollers/car seats and I wondering if you have heard of any good ones? Good for both traveling and for being safe? Thank you!

  28. Brenda

    Be careful with the giraffe. I have had some friends use it for their kids and decided to cut it open after seeing some reviews on it and it had mold growing inside. Just be cautious. And make sure you clean it like it says and not get anything in the little hole. Congratulations!

  29. Kyndol Castrilli

    Oh! And one more thing the Ameda ComfortGel Hydrogel Pads (or you find a similar brand that Walmart carries😉) are lifesavers for YOU when just starting to breastfeed. These cool and sooth your nipples (they will hurt but it will go away). Also the lanolin nipple cream you’ll need. I used the same gel pads for both of my girls (they last!). Don’t forget to take care of yourself too mama!😉🙏🏼

  30. The Phillips Avent slow-flow nipples are the only ones you’ll ever need! We used slow flow nipples with breastmilk for our LO up until he was 1 and then switched to a sippy cup. He never had a problem switching from breast to those nipples. Good choice on the glass ones too! They are durable and easy to sterilize.

  31. Emily

    What baby monitor did you buy ?

  32. Lauren

    Thank you for the amazing natural recommendations. I also feel that its super important to be as chemical free as possible. I would love to see an update as to which products you ended up loving and using on an everyday basis.

  33. vanessa

    What diaper bag did you end up getting?
