quick shop
paperbag waist jeans, also love this pair // Chloe espadrille sandals, similar here & less expensive here // similar white tank // similar ribbed cardigan // coin necklaces

What do you guys think about this spring’s hottest denim trend, the paperbag waist? Almost every single designer has come out with their own version for spring, but the pair I’m wearing is less than $75, much more affordable than the designer versions! At first I wasn’t sure what to think about this trend, but after seeing it all over Instagram and then trying it for myself, I really like it – I think the way the waist comes in is super flattering! Nordstrom carries a whole bunch of them, along with just regular jeans, too, of course! See more styles below in my “Shop the Post” widget.
How was everyone’s weekend? I ended up getting pretty bad food poisoning, and had to travel 10 hours yesterday – it was one of the biggest travel nightmares I’ve ever experienced. I was trying to get through security and had to keep getting out of line and sitting down because I thought I was going to throw up or pass out. If you guys have any tips for getting over food poisoning I am in DIRE need! Haha!
*Thank you to Nordstrom for sponsoring this post
So cute this look with the denims!
xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
You rock those jeans! To be honest, I don’t think I could… but maybe I’ll try this spring!
Kendal / Life With Kendal
I just had food poisoning last week………just eat bland for at least a week. I tried eating a salad at about day 4 and ending up getting all over again (too soon for salad!). Feel better soon.
I’ve been trying to ditch denim but it’s such a huge trend every spring I don’t know how I’m gonna do it. I love the paper bag waist, it looks so cute and flattering when pairing it with a tight top or bodysuit. And for the food poisoning, something my doctor told me is to just not eat anything for about two days unless I feel SUPER hungry and just drink water. He said eating would only make me feel sick and throw up so not eating anything made me feel much better and I didn’t even feel hungry or with low energy, it was the best I felt in those few days. I hope you feel better soon.
That looks so cool, what an interesting trend!
Happy Monday!
The paperbag waist looks great on you! I’m in my 50’s and not sure if it would accentuate what I don’t want accentuated, but I should try a pair on. As far as food poisoning: Colloidal Silver or Apple Cider Vinegar both work great. If you do a google search, you’ll find more info. We’ve had success with both in our household. I travel with Colloidal Silver since it kills A LOT of bacteria. Hope you feel better soon!
Those jeans are super cute!! And I can’t believe they’re only $75!!
Your outfits are always so beautiful! I love all of these pieces so much x
Shannon | https://shannonmichelle1.blogspot.com
Hello! I can’t pull up the link for the Chloe espadrille sandal you have on. What is the name of them and where to find? Thank you 🙂
I always liked the paperbag waist trend, I’m not a fan of the jeans but love it on shorts! It helps is thick girls on covering that little pooch area too, haha (;
P.S, I have that cardigan and got it during the #NSale which I’m glad I got to save/splurge on!
@happilyeveralanis | Happily Ever Alanis
These are so much fun!! Absolutely love them on you and how you styled them.
xo Laura Leigh
Louella Reese
For the food poisoning, if it’s not going away in a day, go see a doctor as it might be bacterial and anti-biotics can knock it right out. For some immediate comfort, use a wet cloth on the back of your neck to cool down and feel better. Small sips of vitamin water or gatorade, with sugar not the zero kind, will help get some electrolytes back in. Also small bites of bagel or plain bread.
What I’m LOVING about denim right now is just about every style imaginable is “in,” which is how it always should be 🙂 This outfit is darling on you.
These jeans are just the cutest! I need to buy a pair! So sorry to hear you got food poisoning – my biggest tip is lots of rest and tons of water. Feel better!
Omg I used to own a pair of jeans like these yeeears ago – funny how trends always end up coming back around haha!
Oh no, how unfortunate to hear about you getting sick over the weekend, I hope you are feeling better soon!
I got back from vacation early Saturday morning, so I spent my weekend unpacking, doing laundry, getting organized and planning 🙂
xx Janine
I love this trend! It’s super cute. It’s just not going to work for all body types, especially if you have a little “extra” around the middle like me. I’ve tried them on and I can’t make it work but they do look amazing on you!
First of all, I’m sooo sorry you feel terrible, Caitlin! I heard that you just need to rest, not eat as much and drink water when it comes to food poisoning. It’s something I never want to experience after hearing about it from my own friends.
As for the paperbag waist trend, I don’t hate it at all and this is coming from a more classic style kind of person. I think if it’s done right (I’m very particular on design and cuts when it comes to trends), it’s cute. In this instance, I really think it suits you!
She Sweats Diamonds
I’m in love! SO cute and affordable! I hope you are feeling better soon!
Sarah Lillian | https://livinglifewithsarahlillian.blogspot.com
I love these!!
Absolutely love the paper bag waist so am super excited the trend made it’s way into denim. Love your pair they look great on you!
House of Illusions