I Hate That Word…

HATE IT. Sigh.

Which is why I’m not calling it a “diet”… I’m calling it a “health and fitness plan.” Before I begin, let me make one thing clear: I’m not doing this to lose weight.

My healthy eating/workout plan that I put together includes making healthier food choices and incorporating work-outs into my daily routine. My goal is to tone up and feel better in my skin for the start of Fall!

In a separate post, I’m going to cover the fitness aspect of my little plan, but for now, here’s some tips to focus on when picking what goes in your mouth.

1. Always eat breakfast

Breakfast jump-starts your metabolism and “breaks the fast” that your body endures from sleeping for eight hours. It also prevents you from overeating throughout the day. You may think that you’re “saving calories” by skipping breakfast in the morning but – trust me – you’re not!

For breakfast, I’ll be sippin’ on these delicious Yoplait frozen smoothies.

These little pouches come complete with frozen fruit and frozen yogurt chunks. All that’s needed is to add milk!

2. Drink water!

It’s imperative to stay hydrated, no matter what season it is. Eliminating soft drinks from your diet and drinking water is so much better for you. Drinking water before a meal also fills your belly up, so you’re less likely to overeat.

Meet my constant companion

3. It’s not about eating less, it’s about eating more… of the right foods.

Don’t focus on restricting your calorie intake. Instead, you should be focusing on eating more of the right kinds of foods. That means cutting out junk food and processed foods (bye bye Cheez-Its!) and instead, replacing them with fruits and vegetables.

You’d think I was talking about drugs or something…

If you’re like me, I get ravenous at night time. When this happens, I’ll get cravings for a chocolatey brownie or a big sundae… this is when I reach for fruit, such as a bowl of cut up strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries. They fill me up since they’re composed of water, they taste sweet, and I find that after eating them I no longer crave something bad for me.


4. Limit alcohol intake

Most people don’t realize just how many calories are in alcoholic drinks. The typical margarita (my favorite drink) contains 300-400 calories. A mixed drink can contain the same amount. However, just because you’re trying to be healthier doesn’t mean you have to cut out all of the fun!

If you’re making your own drinks, try Scales margarita mix! A friend gave this to me for my 21st birthday. It tastes great, and the mix itself has only 10 calories per 8 ounces.


If you’re headed to the bar, save calories by ordering a vodka tonic. This is my go-to drink. And tonic water has zero calories!

5. Keep a food diary

This little trick I learned from the one and only…

Carrie Underwood! And look how smokin’ hot she is!

Keeping track of what you pop in your mouth all day is important because it makes you conscious of your eating habits.  

And finally…

6. It’s okay to indulge every now and then!

If you don’t, it can lead to overcompensation, in other words, binging. If you’re a chocolate lover, have a couple of Hershey kisses after dinner for dessert. I love ice cream. Love, love, love. I’m keeping a box of Skinny Cow ice cream in my freezer to have after dinner when that sweet tooth hits (because believe me, I have a huge sweet tooth!). It’s important that you don’t ever feel deprived of something you love!   

Chocolatey fudge goodness!

 So, whaddya say? Make a resolution with me to go into this Fall season healthier and better than ever.

Love, Cait

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  1. great tips!! thanks

  2. I know exactly what you mean, I don't want to lose weight just feel better! I always eat breakfast and healthy meals but snacking at work has been a problem this Summer as people bring in baked goods all the time! I need to restrain myself!

  3. Great tips, and fabulous plan! I hate that word too!! Eating well and working out just naturally make you feel better!! You can do it!

  4. I love all these ideas! I've been trying to be healthier too and this will help me!

  5. Thanks for sharing πŸ™‚

  6. I'm definitely going to be joining you in your plan this fall! My biggest enemy is soda, though. So hard to cut out!

  7. SkInny Cows are the best!! But now when you eat 4 of them at once lol! Kindof defeats the purpose I suppose

  8. Anonymous

    good tips! i'm so guilty of skipping breakfast every day

  9. Those are all awesome tips! I try to do my best to live by those day to day! Those yoplait things look delish – I"m going to look for those.

  10. Love this post! I can't wait to try the Yoplait frozen smoothies…I get so tired of eating Special K Cereal some mornings. I also, love some Skinny Cow when I'm craving sweets! Vodka tonic is my go to drink also! I'll take this challenge/resolution with you πŸ™‚

  11. I'm obsessed with Skinny Cow!! The chocolate candies are delicious too! Also, I'm a fan of Skinny Girl Margaritas. There's a Sangria I need to try as well.

  12. Diet IS a dirty word. I just try to think of it as living healthier and doing many of the things you listed here. My downfall is late night snacking and I do love a good cocktail. Sacrifices, sacrifices.


  13. Skinny cow is the bomb!! You should also try skinny girl maragaritas. There is no added sugar in it. I hate the word diet too, girlfriend. Cheers to your for having the right mindset πŸ™‚

  14. You are genius! Love it..After reading your post, I am now on a "health and fitness" plan as well πŸ™‚ Great tips!

  15. I agree that "diet" is a "four-letter word" I recently decided I needed a "lifestyle change" bc I am terrible about eating fried foods, ice cream, and making excuses to skip the gym. Thanks for the good tips!

  16. BUT Cheez-It's are SO good! lol They're my vending machine weakness! πŸ™‚

    But yes, good tips for sure!

  17. Great tips! I HATE the word too! It's definitely a 4 letter word! Try reading Bethenny Frankle's Naturally Thin. It's so good and really helpful!


  18. Great suggestions! Luckily I do all of these things and I feel energized and satisfied all the time. Good luck!

  19. Haha!
    Just say No!
    So true πŸ˜€

  20. Love this post, I feel the same way! It's so easy to eat (and drink) poorly at school and I want to get into better habits also!

  21. I am determined to feel amazingggggggggggg in my jeans this fall! I'm with ya πŸ™‚

  22. wow this is just the post i need! I tryed a similar thing a while ago and kept to it for a while but ive just got back from a camping trip yesterday and i binged soo bad with everyone! so i definatly needed this pppost as a kick start tp my new eating plan πŸ™‚ thanks for all the tips! X

  23. gosh, cheese crackers are the hardest thing to give up, haha. I eat way too many! and speaking of Carrie's food journal, I tried to keep one back in Jan (I am a veg like she is) and I randomly came across is yesterday. It lasted for a whole week, haha. and how are thoese smoothies, they look super easy and that's what I need!

  24. These are some GREAT tips!! I need to stop snacking on crackers, because I do that a lot (mostly pretzels though), and I started to keep a food diary which is really helpful. I'm bookmarking this to come back to in the future!!

  25. Good tips you're giving there! I also try to eat healty as much as possible. But it's not easy when you have a husband that doesn't like eating healthy and having to prepare 2 different meals at night! So I'm trying to not making him eat salads anymore, but juste as less fat as possible. We eat A LOT of pasta – lucky me it doesn't make me gain weight. For breakfast I had to skip it for over a month. My problem was I became allergic to diary, and the only thing I ate in morning and through the day were dairy products!! So I found other things to eat at lunch, but I loved to have my Kellogg's K in the morning. Kellogg's (or milk) is the only thing I ever ate in the morning in my 30 years of life! But I found that the soja choco drink from SILK isn't too bad, and there are some cereal bars from TIC without any milk in, and a bowl of fruit, so I think I found my balance again! And also, I indulge myself 1 desert a day : the Jello Chocolate Mousse Temptation, only 60 calories :-). Doesn't make me sick althought there are some milk protein in there, so I keep that one!
